
Archive for September, 2011

Solve: -4|2x+9| + 5 ≥ -19


To solve for x in above inequality, we need to use equivalent compound inequality. To do so we first need to isolate the absolute value.

The first step is to isolate |2x+9|, the absolute value expression.

-4|2x+9| + 5 – 5 ≥ -19 – 5                 Subtract 5 from both sides

-4|2x+9|  ≥ -24                                  Simplify

(-4|2x+9| ) ÷ (-4) ≤ (-24) ÷ (-4)         Divide both sides by -4 and change the sense of

the inequality

|2x+9| ≤ 6                                      Simplify

The equivalent compound inequality states that:

If X is an algebraic expression and c is a positive number, then the solution of |X| ≤ c are the numbers that satisfy –c ≤ X ≤ c

Use the inequalities below to solve for the values of x.

2x + 9 ≤ 6 and 2x + 9 ≥ -6

Solve for x using the first inequality.

2x + 9 ≤ 6

2x + 9 – 9 ≤ 6 – 9                                Subtract 9 from both sides

2x ≤ -3                                                 Simplify

(2x) ÷ 2 ≤ (-3) ÷ 2                               Divide both sides by 2

x ≤ -3/2                                                Simplify

Solve for x using the second inequality.

2x + 9 ≥ -6

2x + 9 – 9 ≥  -6 – 9                             Subtract 9 from both sides

2x ≥ -15                                               Simplify

(2x) ÷ 2 ≥  (-15) ÷ 2                            Divide both sides by 2

x ≥  -15/2                                             Simplify

Therefore the solution is all real numbers greater than or equal to -15/2 and less than or equal to -3/2, denoted by


{x | -15/2 ≤ x ≤ -3/2} or [-15/2, -3/2]

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